Kozmo Deck recipe for YGOPRO
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2016.4.TCG Deck

1 Kozmo Forerunner (Machine) (Light) (7)
3 Kozmo Sliprider (Machine) (Light) (6)
2 Kozmoll Wikedwitch (Psychic) (Dark) (4)
1 Kozmo Goodwitch (Psychic) (Light) (4)
2 Kozmo Farmgirl (Psychic) (Light) (3)
2 Kozmo Soartroppers (Psychic) (Dark) (3)
1 Kozmo Strawman (Psychic) (Light) (2)
2 Kozmo Tincan (Psychic) (Light) (1)
2 Honest (Fairy) (Light) (4)
1 Raigeki
1 Mine control
1 Reasoning
1 Mystical Space Typhoon (quick-play)
2 Twin Twister (quick-play)
2 Emergency Teleport (quick-play)

1 Storming Mirror Force
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Break Trough Skill
2 Kozmojo
1 Vanity's Emptiness (Continuous)
2 Call of the hunted (Continuous)
1 Solemn Warning (Counter)
EX: Any card you want
2016.4. OCG Deck

3 Kozmo Dark Destroyer (Machine) (Dark) (8)
1 Kozmo Forerunner (Machine) (Light) (7)
3 Kozmo Sliprider (Machine) (Light) (6)
2 Kozmoll Wikedwitch (Psychic) (Dark) (4)
1 Kozmo Goodwitch (Psychic) (Light) (4)
2 Kozmo Farmgirl (Psychic) (Light) (3)
2 Kozmo Soartroppers (Psychic) (Dark) (3)
1 Kozmo Strawman (Psychic) (Light) (2)
2 Kozmo Tincan (Psychic) (Light) (1)
3 Honest (Fairy) (Light) (4)
1 Dark Hole
1 Mine control
1 Reasoning
1 Mystical Space Typhoon (quick-play)
1 Terraforming

1 Twin Twister (quick-play)
1 Emergency Teleport (quick-play)
3 Kozmotown (Field)
1 Storming Mirror Force
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Kozmojo
1 Vanity's Emptiness (Continuous)
3 Call of the hunted (Continuous)
1 Solemn Warning (Counter)
EX: Any card you want